
The workout "Annie" is celebrated for its simplicity and intensity.

The workout "Annie" stands as a luminary in the realm of CrossFit, celebrated for its simplicity and intensity. This benchmark workout is renowned for its ability to blend speed, coordination, and endurance through two fundamental bodyweight exercises. It’s a test of not just physical prowess but also mental tenacity, as athletes push through the descending ladder of reps.

Historical Background

Annie is part of the classic CrossFit "Girls" workouts, designed to gauge an athlete's progress over time. Named after Annie Sakamoto, a legendary CrossFit athlete and coach known for her prowess in bodyweight movements, this workout reflects her spirit and strength, challenging individuals to push their boundaries.

Workout Structure

Annie is elegantly straightforward, consisting of a descending ladder of double-unders and sit-ups:

  • 50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
    • Double-unders
    • Sit-ups

The goal is to complete all the reps as fast as possible. This means going through 50 double-unders followed by 50 sit-ups, then 40 of each, and so on, down to 10.

Suitability for Different Levels

  • Beginners: Start with scaled versions, like single-unders instead of double-unders and assisted sit-ups if necessary. Focus on form and consistency, gradually building up to the full Annie workout.
  • Intermediate Athletes: Attempt the workout as prescribed, but focus on maintaining consistent pacing and form. Use this as a benchmark to assess your progress in both skills.
  • Advanced Athletes: Strive for unbroken sets and push the pace. Advanced athletes should aim to complete Annie with speed and precision, minimizing rest and maintaining a high intensity throughout.

Benefits of the Annie Workout

  • Cardiovascular Endurance: The rapid succession of double-unders elevates the heart rate, improving cardiorespiratory endurance and stamina.
  • Core Strength: The high volume of sit-ups engages the abdominal muscles intensely, building core strength and stability.
  • Coordination and Agility: Double-unders require and develop a high degree of coordination, timing, and agility, benefiting athletic performance across various disciplines.

Execution Tips

  1. Warm-Up Effectively: Include jump rope and core activation exercises in your warm-up, preparing your body for the explosive and repetitive movements ahead.
  2. Find Your Rhythm: Establish a steady rhythm in your double-unders and sit-ups, focusing on breathing and efficiency to maintain a consistent pace throughout the workout.
  3. Break Smartly: If you need to break up the sets, do so strategically. Plan your breaks and stick to them, ensuring you don’t hit failure too early in the workout.
  4. Focus on Form: Keep your double-unders smooth and controlled, and execute sit-ups with a full range of motion to maximize the workout's effectiveness and prevent injury.


Annie is more than a workout; it's a testament to your grit, a measure of your progress, and a celebration of your dedication to fitness. Each jump and each sit-up is a step forward in your fitness journey, pushing you closer to your limits and then beyond. Embrace the burn, find joy in the challenge, and dance through the reps. Remember, every workout is a chance to redefine your boundaries, to become stronger, faster, and more resilient. With Annie, you’re not just counting reps—you’re building a foundation for all your fitness goals. Let’s tackle this with enthusiasm, and may your jumps be swift, and your core be strong!


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