
The Diane workout is a staple in the world of functional fitness.

The Diane workout is a staple in the world of functional fitness, particularly renowned in CrossFit circles. It's a workout that tests strength, skill, and endurance, blending heavy weightlifting with high-intensity bodyweight movements. This benchmark WOD (Workout of the Day) consists of a straightforward yet challenging combination: Deadlifts and Handstand Push-ups.

Historical Background

Named after an individual, as are many CrossFit benchmark workouts (often referred to as "The Girls"), Diane serves as a test of progress over time, allowing athletes to measure how their strength and conditioning have evolved. It’s a classic CrossFit benchmark that has been around since the early days of the sport, symbolizing the blend of weightlifting and gymnastics.

Workout Structure

The Diane workout is deceptively simple in its structure, comprising just two exercises:

  • Deadlifts: 21-15-9 reps
  • Handstand Push-ups: 21-15-9 reps

The athlete must complete these exercises in the specified rep scheme as quickly as possible, maintaining proper form throughout. The workout is performed for time, meaning the goal is to finish all reps in the shortest time possible.

Suitability for Different Levels

  • Beginners: Newcomers should approach Diane with caution, focusing on mastering the form of each exercise with lighter weights and modified handstand push-ups (e.g., pike push-ups or using a box). It’s crucial to prioritize technique over speed or weight to build a solid foundation and prevent injury.
  • Intermediate Athletes: Those with some experience can tackle Diane as prescribed, or scale the weight and modify handstand push-ups to maintain intensity without compromising form. It’s a chance to challenge your personal records responsibly.
  • Advanced Athletes: Seasoned athletes aim to complete Diane as quickly as possible with the prescribed weight (225 lbs for men, 155 lbs for women) and standard handstand push-ups. It’s a test of both physical and mental toughness, pushing limits while maintaining impeccable form.

Benefits of the Diane Workout

  • Strength Building: The heavy deadlifts are excellent for developing lower back, hamstring, and overall posterior chain strength.
  • Gymnastic Skill Improvement: Handstand push-ups require and build shoulder strength, stability, and control, enhancing your gymnastic capabilities.
  • Metabolic Conditioning: The high-intensity nature of alternating between heavy lifts and bodyweight movements provides a significant metabolic challenge, improving cardiovascular fitness.

Execution Tips

  1. Warm-Up Thoroughly: Engage in a dynamic warm-up focusing on the lower back, hamstrings, and shoulders. Include mobility work to ensure full range of motion.
  2. Pace Wisely: Start at a sustainable pace, avoiding the temptation to sprint through the first round. Managing your energy is key to maintaining steady progress.
  3. Focus on Form: Maintain strict form, especially in deadlifts, to prevent injury. Ensure efficient handstand push-up mechanics to conserve energy.
  4. Transition Efficiently: Minimize rest between exercises and rounds. Efficient transitions can significantly affect your overall time.


Diane is not just a workout; it’s a journey through strength, skill, and sheer willpower. Whether you’re lifting the barbell off the ground or pushing against the earth from upside down, each rep builds a stronger, more resilient you. Embrace the challenge, respect the process, and emerge victorious, one rep at a time.


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